Whenever we are browsing a site that we find pretty cool, we bookmark it and just like that. Later on, when we want to visit said site again, we cannot seem to find it easily…and we made sure to keep it there!
In order to avoid that unnecessary complication, let us take a look at the del.icio.us tags so that we have better organization.
As we had seen on the previous entry, if you already installed the Firefox add-on, the process is very easy.
You need to sig in first. Click on the bookmarks button and then click on the “sign in again” link at the bottom.
You will be redirected to the del.icio.us site so just sign in and start surfing the net again! No worries, there is nothing wrong with leaving your session open.
Then, when you want to bookmark a site, simply click on the tag icon located on the menu bar. A new window will open.
- URL: the full link you are about to save
- Title: the name of the site you are saving
- Notes: any description you want to add about the site (limited to 1000 characters).
- Tags: the keywords that will be easy for you to identify it when you browse it again. At the bottom you can find text that will suggest some keywords to tag the site.
- Send: optional. In case you want to share this bookmark on twitter, del.icio.us or send it by email. Notice that you must authorize delicious to tweet your bookmarks in case you feel like it.
You may also mark it as private by checking the box located on the upper right corner of the window.
The question mark contains a brief description of what a tag is.
And the word “clear” is there to delete the tags you had typed and start again.
This concludes this tutorial. I will be happy to get any questions, comments or suggestions for any other subjects!