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Software Languages

Software languages are used to create executable programs or even operating systems. Let us take a look at what is behind computer products.

It is used for software application development such as business programs, engineering programs and games, too. The UNIX operating system is written with this language.

It looks like this:

This language derives from C. The difference is that C++ is object-oriented, which is why it is used for graphical applications. 

It looks like this:
Visual Basic

It was developed by Microsoft and it is a language that programmers can use to create simple graphical user interface (GUI) applications as well as complex ones. The programming involves arranging components or controls and specifying attributes of said components. Also, lines of code are added for functionality. 

It looks like this:

It is considered a powerful and flexible language that creates applets (a program executed within another program). They run inside web sites and in software applications. With Java you can interact with the user, create graphical programs, read from files…

It looks like this:

Do you know any other software language?

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The language of web sites

Web languages are the key to make a web site work with specific characteristics. It all depends on what kind of structure is required since each one has different needs (text, images, accessing or retrieving information from databases…). Let us take a look at them:

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

Fundamental language in the world wide web. It is useful to delineate the structure and layout of web sites by through tags and attributes; however, once your information is created with it, it is not possible to change it since it specifies the content of the site, now how it works.

It looks like this:

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

It works like HTML, but the difference is that XML allows custom tags that can be created by programmers. Also, the transmission of data between applications and organizations is possible thanks to these custom tags.

It looks like this:

CCS (Cascading Style Sheets)

It describes the look and formatting (layout, colours, fonts…) of a document in a markup language (a text that is syntactically distinguishable from another text). It is commonly applied to web sites written in HTML or XML.

It looks like this:


This language provides dynamic and interactive content on web sites since it can “communicate” with HTML to then create animations, calculators, validate forms, and more. Javascript and Java are two different languages, careful with that!

It looks like this:

VBScript  (Visual Basic Scripting Edition)

Microsoft developed it and works only in Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser and other web browsers based on the Internet Explorer engine (like FlashPeak's Slim Browser).
This language can be used to print dates, make calculations and interact with the user, for example. VBScript is based on Visual Basic (an event-driven programming language), but it is simpler.

It looks like this:

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) (It is an acronym)

It is considered a powerful language since it can encrypt data, access databases, and form validation. An example of a famous web site that uses this language is Facebook.

It looks like this:


It is considered a powerful and flexible language that creates applets (a program executed within another program). They run inside web sites and in software applications. With Java you can interact with the user, create graphical programs, read from files…

It looks like this:

Do you have examples of any other languages? Feel free to share them as well as their functions.

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